Kalender: Vergangene Veranstaltungen und Berichte und Berichte

  • Bal Masqué & Art Auction

    Samstag, 14. Oktober 2017 18:00 - Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2017 02:00

    Major fundraising ball with "silent" auction of artworks.  Dinner, full drinks service. Dress: black tie or preferably Venetian-style masquerade. Details at http://www.rotarytervuren.eu/calendar/ 

    Château Sainte-Anne
  • De "School van Tervuren" - een artistieke presentatie

    Montag, 30. April 2018 19:00-21:30

    Tervuren is vanaf 1870 een artistieke hotspot: de Hertenberg, de Wolvenweg, het hertogelijk kasteel, de Sint-Hubertuskapel en de holle bospaden zijn het gedroomde decor voor een nieuwe lichting kunstschilders die de Belgische landschapsschilderkunst helemaal op de kaart zetten. 

    KOLONIËNPALEIS Herman de Vilder, voorzitter van “De vrienden van de School van Tervuren”
  • De toekomst van Europa/EU - "Europa, Quo Vadis"

    Montag, 7. Mai 2018 19:00-21:30

    Alexander Italianer, a Dutch national, will present his view of where the European Union is heading in the immediate and mid-term future.  He will do this from his unique perspective of Secretary-General of the European Commission from 2015 until 28/2/2018.  This position as the most senior "eurocr...

    KOLONIËNPALEIS Alexander Italianer, Secretaris-Generaal van de Europese Commissie (2015-2018)
  • Statutory Meeting #10 - Partner meeting

    Montag, 20. Januar 2020 19:15-22:00

    Minutes of SV (10) 20.1.2019 Guests: Fatiha El Azzouti, Karen van Herck and Lise-Lotte Govaerts (GITO Tervuren), Birgit Rohde, and Lucrece Vandewoude. Technically, Wolter was also a guest ;-) Partners: Anne, Barbara, Annehieke, Mariette, Monique, Sarah, a...

  • Exhibition Dalí & Magritte

    Sonntag, 26. Januar 2020 11:00-13:00

    We meet at Tram 44 Terminus at 10:10 and leave at 10:18 by tram to Montgomery this will bring us via Metro 1 to Park and we will do a small walk and arrive at 11:09 at the Museum.   For those that would like the go on their own, it is possible, they just need to be at the museum at 11:09....

    Royal Museum of Fine Arts Belgium
  • Statutory Meeting #11: Bring a friend!

    Montag, 3. Februar 2020 19:15-22:00

    Minutes of SV (11) 3.2.2020 Guests: Fatiha El Azzouti (Hartmut), David McGowan (Maarten), Ronald Probst (Jean-Frédéric), Brann Verstraete (Julian) Partners: Renate Smith (Simon) Speaker: Kris van Damme, Viridis Vallis       ...

    KOLONIËNPALEIS Kris Van Damme Former chemical engineer from Hoeilaart who, in later life (now 44), has caught the "Belgian Brewing Bug" to produce some interesting micro-brews.
  • Statutory Meeting #18

    Montag, 4. Mai 2020 20:00-21:00

    Virtual meeting via zoom - upon personal invitation

  • Statutory Meeting #21 - Handover, with partners

    Montag, 22. Juni 2020 19:15-22:00

    The last meeting of the year with the change of the boards. As always, please bring your partners. The evening will happen in a festive atmosphere. As announced by our President Johan, the consumptions of the partners will be on the club this time, in recognition of many weeks without prese...

    KOLONIËNPALEIS Presidential Handover
  • 1e SV RC Tervuren 2020/2021

    Montag, 7. September 2020 19:15-21:00

  • 2nd Statutory Meeting

    Montag, 21. September 2020 19:15-21:00

  • 3rd Statutory Meeting

    Montag, 5. Oktober 2020 19:15-22:00

  • 4th Statutory Meeting

    Montag, 19. Oktober 2020 19:45-21:00

    As announced by e-mail and whatsapp, we unfortunately cannot have this meeting from person to person in Kolonienpaleis. We will meet online, all members have received the link via mail and whatsapp. Agenda 19:45 – 20:00 Step in moment, have your coffee and or glass ready 20:00 – 20:10 T...

    online - Teams meeting
  • 5th Statutory Meeting

    Montag, 9. November 2020 19:45-21:00

    Christine Heeger will speak about Toastmasters. Due to the corona crisis, we are not able to meet in Kolonienpaleis for the time being. Please join us on Teams, the link can be found here: Click here to join the meeting

    online - Teams meeting
  • 6th Statutory Meeting

    Montag, 23. November 2020 19:15-22:00

  • 7th Statutory Meeting

    Montag, 7. Dezember 2020 19:15-22:00

  • Club meeting (9)

    Montag, 11. Januar 2021 20:00-21:00

    online - Teams meeting
  • Club meeting (10)

    Montag, 25. Januar 2021 20:00-21:00

    online - Teams meeting
  • Club meeting (11)

    Montag, 1. Februar 2021 20:00-21:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    online - Teams meeting
  • Club meeting (12)

    Montag, 15. Februar 2021 20:00-21:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    online - Teams meeting
  • Club meeting (13)

    Montag, 1. März 2021 20:00-21:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    online - Teams meeting
  • Club meeting (14)

    Montag, 15. März 2021 20:00-21:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    online - Teams meeting
  • Club meeting (15)

    Montag, 29. März 2021 20:00-21:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    online - Teams meeting
  • Club meeting (16)

    Montag, 12. April 2021 19:15-21:00

    test minutes on one drive Sytske's pizza menu Minutes of the Statutory meeting Rotary Club Tervuren, 05-09-2016 1.            This first meeting of the Rotary year 2016-2017 was opened by Master of Ceremonies Sonja at 19.45 hrs.  She welcomed our candidate members Christian Sinephro and...

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)
  • Club meeting (17)

    Montag, 26. April 2021 19:15-21:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)
  • Club meeting (18)

    Montag, 3. Mai 2021 19:15-21:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)
  • Club meeting (19)

    Montag, 17. Mai 2021 19:15-22:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)
  • Club meeting (20) (Partner evening)

    Montag, 31. Mai 2021 19:15-22:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)
  • Club meeting (21)

    Montag, 7. Juni 2021 19:15-21:00

    Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)
  • Club meeting (22)

    Montag, 21. Juni 2021 19:15-22:00

    Handover of the board. Regular meeting (statutaire vergadering) We meet every first and third Monday of the month. If there is a fifth Monday, this is a partner meeting. Please contact our club secretary to sign up for the meeting and get the link to join the online meeting: link.

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)
  • Stayin' Alive Discoparty

    Samstag, 23. April 2022 19:00 - Sonntag, 24. April 2022 02:00

    After two long, homebound years, Rotary Club Tervuren invites you to its exclusive Stayin' Alive Discoparty.Enjoy a delicious VIP-Dinner in the elegant surroundings of the Ballroom of the Afrikapaleis, followed by music and dancing with the Band “Leuven Live Soul Survivors” and disco music until the...

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)
  • "The hospital and health care of the future"

    Montag, 21. November 2022 19:15-22:00

    Marc Noppen (MD, PhD), CEO of UZ Brussel, will talk about “The hospital and health care of the future”. The questions he will address, concern us all:- Do we have a “health care system” or rather a “sick care system”?- Will we be able to afford the ever more expensive technology and medicines?- Wil...

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis) Marc Noppen (MD, PhD), CEO of UZ Brussel
  • Trees4Kids Planting Trees

    Sonntag, 8. Januar 2023 12:00-15:30

    Planting Trees in Tervuren. We need all of you! Please bring your friends and family!

    Ringlaan Tervuren Ringlaan Tervuren, Start van de Hertedreef. Or enter  50.815810, 4.511488 in your navigation device.
  • Statutaire Vergadering

    Montag, 6. März 2023 19:15-22:00

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis) Dear all, the SV of March 6th will be an open day again. A day when we welcome your partner as well as any guests you want to bring, candidate-members or even guests you want to bring for another reason. The different committees will be explained (shortly) that day to anyone present, including to our most recent members and the runners-up towards membership, who can decide to invest themselves in one of the committees on that basis. , We are interested in members who have a good fit with our club and who are willing to invest themselves actively. , The governor will also pay us a visit that day, so he will also say something we presume., Remember that, for guests, the first dinner is offered by the club. From the second one onwards, they are supposed to pay (€46), preferably to the person bringing them along. , We hope to see many members!
  • Benefiet Evenement

    Samstag, 29. April 2023 19:00 - Sonntag, 30. April 2023 01:00

    Rotary Club Tervuren invites you to its exclusive Benefit Event party.Enjoy a delicious VIP-Dinner in the elegant surroundings of the Ballroom of the Afrikapaleis, followed by music and dancing with a live band and DJ until the small hours. 

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)
  • Challenge of the Elephant

    Freitag, 29. September 2023 12:00-22:00

    Brabantse Golf te Melsbroek Rotary Club Tervuren nodigt u graag uit om de golf-strijd aan te gaan om de befaamde Challenge of the Elephant. Dit inmiddels traditionele golfevent zal dit jaar plaatsvinden op vrijdag 29 september 2023 op de mooie baan van de Brabantse Golf te Melsbroek (https://www.brabantsegolf.be, Steenwagenstraat 11, 1820 Melsbroek)., Programma is als volgt: , 12.00: Koffie met lunchpakket, 13.00-14.00: Starttijd 18 holes, 17.00-19.00: aperitief/borrel en/of mogelijkheid tot een frisse douche, 19.30: diner (in het restaurant van de golf), De prijs voor dit alles is rond de €130 (aperitief/borrel wordt na afloop berekend). Het rekeningnummer van Peter Janssens is: BE47 0012 8733 3880 (adres: St. Franciscusberg 6, Bertem).,  Benodigde info: , - Nationale federatiekaartnummer en handicap, - Allergieën en dieetwensen, - Handicart of Buggy gebruik, Alle info graag e-mailen naar: peter.janssens1@hotmail.be en eric.povel@telenet.be. , Wij kijken graag uit naar jullie aanmeldingen (plus benodigde info) en een prachtige Rotarische golfwedstrijd om onze Challenge of the Elephant! , Met Rotarische groet, , , Peter Janssens en Eric Povel
  • Fakkeltocht

    Samstag, 16. Dezember 2023 17:00-21:30

    Gemeentehuis Tervuren
  • Christmas Diner

    Montag, 18. Dezember 2023 19:00

    Resto "Les petits Oignons" The fellowship committee is organising this great evening and has selected a charming restaurant located just opposite the Royal Conservatory, near the Sablon in downtown Brussels. Proceedings start at 19:00., The nearest park-house is under the Poelaertplein opposite the Justitiepaleis., You can find a table below where the list of confirmed attendees, their menu choices and whether they (still) need to make a payment are recorded.There will be a "Secret Santa", so don't forget to bring along a small present of value between €5 and €15. This could be for anyone except your accompanying spouse/partner/relative.  Dateien
  • "Squares & Stripes" Party

    Samstag, 20. April 2024 19:00 - Sonntag, 21. April 2024 02:00

    Rotary Club Tervuren invites you to its exclusive Benefit Event party.Enjoy a delicious Dinner in the elegant surroundings of the Ballroom of the Afrikapaleis, followed by music and dancing with a live band until the small hours. 

    Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)  
  • Zomerconcert

    Sonntag, 23. Juni 2024 15:00-17:00

    Rotary Tervuren is happy to enable this "youth supports youth" high-quality concert.

    Sint-Jan Evangelistkerk
  • Annual Family Barbecue

    Sonntag, 1. September 2024 15:00-20:00

    Folkert's Garden!
  • SV 7 - Come and join us in "Forchetta & Vino"

    Montag, 18. November 2024 19:15-21:00

    Come and join us in another relaxed evening at the "Forchetta & Vino" restaurant. This time you have a choice between 2 formulae to accomodate the non-alcoholics among us:a glass of Prosecco or orange juice on arrival, starter and main course, water (sparkling and still) - €30 fixed-pricethe sa...

    Forchetta & Vino Suzanne will have her Job Life talk, also there will be more information on the Party, the Christmas market, the Christmas dinner, the chocolates, ..  
  • SV 9 - Christmas Dinner

    Montag, 16. Dezember 2024 19:00 - Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2024 01:00


    la Table des Templiers - Wavre
  • SV 13 - Come and join us in "Forchetta & Vino"

    Montag, 17. Februar 2025 19:15-22:30

    Come and join us in another relaxed evening at the "Forchetta & Vino" restaurant. This time you have a choice between 2 formulae to accomodate the non-alcoholics among us:a glass of Prosecco or orange juice on arrival, starter and main course, water (sparkling and still) - €30 fixed-pricethe sa...

    Anmeldung bis: 15.02.2025 10:30 Forchetta & Vino  
  • SV 18 - Come and join us in "Forchetta & Vino"

    Montag, 28. April 2025 19:15-23:00

    Come and join us in another relaxed evening at the "Forchetta & Vino" restaurant. This time you have a choice between 2 formulae to accomodate the non-alcoholics among us:a glass of Prosecco or orange juice on arrival, starter and main course, water (sparkling and still) - €30 fixed-pricethe sa...

    Anmeldung bis: 26.04.2025 10:30 Forchetta & Vino  
  • Sunday May 25th - Waterloo!

    Sonntag, 25. Mai 2025 10:00-14:00

    Anmeldung bis: 25.05.2025 10:00 Museum and Monument of the Battle of Waterloo The Fellowship committee is organising a guided visit in the museum and at the monument of the Battle of Waterloo followed by a lunch in a beautiful Brasserie nearby. (Brasserie de Waterloo - Chaussee de Charleroi 591, 1410 Waterloo) , The Sunday brunch after the visit will be a buffet, warm and cold dishes, including drinks, for 53 euro. , , More details will follow!
  • SV 20 - Come and join us in "Forchetta & Vino"

    Montag, 26. Mai 2025 19:15-23:00

    Come and join us in another relaxed evening at the "Forchetta & Vino" restaurant. This time you have a choice between 2 formulae to accomodate the non-alcoholics among us:a glass of Prosecco or orange juice on arrival, starter and main course, water (sparkling and still) - €30 fixed-pricethe sa...

    Anmeldung bis: 26.05.2025 10:30 Forchetta & Vino  
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