Club meeting (16)

Monday, April 12, 2021 19:15-21:00, Afrikapaleis (formerly Koloniënpaleis)

test minutes on one drive

Sytske's pizza menu

Minutes of the Statutory meeting Rotary Club Tervuren, 05-09-2016

1.            This first meeting of the Rotary year 2016-2017 was opened by Master of Ceremonies Sonja at 19.45 hrs.  She welcomed our candidate members Christian Sinephro and Elsie van Linthout and our guest Philippe Craninckx who was introduced by Marc. Philippe has been active in several service clubs, among which Rotaract, Round Table, and RC Bonheiden. He has recently moved to Tervuren, and is seeking a new club to which to offer his services.

This was followed by the traditional toast to friendship from new President Simon; this time including a special thought for colleagues, friends and their partners who were experiencing medical issues.

2.           Paul Harris fellow

Egmond Brenninkmeijer was then called forward. Simon underlined Egmond's untiring efforts for the DAG-committee in recent years and alluded to his substantial, largely unrecognized, behind-the-scenes work. Vinciane listed Egmond’s virtues, summarized in the words generous, positive, and energetic. On account of these characteristics, the RCT board had decided to award Egmond a Paul Harris Fellowship. The pin was cheerfully accepted by a clearly surprised Egmond, who then proved speechless for the first time since his induction.




3.           New members Elsie and Christian

Sonja recounted how she met Elsie and introduced her to the club, and proudly underlined the three assets she possesses that our club is looking for: a Young Flemish Woman. Elsie has already proved to be an active participant in the meetings thus far and, after being pinned up by Simon, was warmly welcomed into the club by all.

Christian, who was introduced by Simon, was then called forward. Although he is not young, not Flemish, and definitely not a woman, he won all hearts when it turned out he is a great organizer of parties and events and a mean saxophonist. He also represents a consolidation of our international image by dint (virtue) of him being our first member of French nationality. Christian also was warmly welcomed by all.



4.           Fellowship

a. Because of all sorts of reasons it has been decided to postpone the Fellowship weekend originally planned on 1 and 2 October this year to the weekend of 6 and 7 May 2017.

b. Fellowship activities

The first Fellowship activity will take place on Sunday 2 October: we will do an afternoon walk through the Doode Bemde, starting and ending in Neerijse, followed by a drink in brewery De Kroon in Neerijse. A subsequent dinner in De Kroon is optional for all participants. An invitation for this event will be sent out shortly.


5.           Lustrum

Peter, Maarten, and Anita took the stage and outlined the planned activity for our 10th anniversary event on Sunday 27 November.

At 15h there will be a Big Band concert, directed by Maarten, in De Warandepoort in Tervuren. A reception will take place for which we will go out to our peter, partner, and sister clubs to sell support cards and invitations. A short list of local VIPs, beneficiaries and local supporting organisations will be invited as guests to this and a brief exchange of speeches shall be made. It was decided in the meeting that members will also pay for their own attendance to the event.

Our local Rotaract club will be contacted to help us with the organization.

There was discussion about whether we should have a program, and it was decided that we should. Hartmut volunteered to do the editing, and Arjan and Patrick volunteered to come up with the contents.


6.           Sailing Saturday 24 September!!

Arnoud recalled the Rotary annual sailing event which is held each year in September on the Veerse Meer. He was there last year with a group of colleagues, and would like to go this year with a RCT delegation. Some sailors volunteered; responses should be with Arnoud by ultimately Friday 9 September.