Statutory Meeting #11: Bring a friend!

maandag 3 februari 2020 19:15-22:00, KOLONIËNPALEIS
Sprekers: Kris Van Damme Former chemical engineer from Hoeilaart who, in later life (now 44), has caught the "Belgian Brewing Bug" to produce some interesting micro-brews.

Minutes of SV (11) 3.2.2020

Guests: Fatiha El Azzouti (Hartmut), David McGowan (Maarten), Ronald Probst (Jean-Frédéric), Brann Verstraete (Julian)
Partners: Renate Smith (Simon)

Speaker: Kris van Damme, Viridis Vallis






We had a great representation of RCT at the RCOZ evening on Saturday. RCOZ had invited to a concert with Sabien Thiel, ‘Tribute to Carole King’ in Den Blank Overijse, in favour of Mozaïek_Praatcafé_Dementie_Druivenstreek. It was a very good evening, well organized by our partner club, and with a great singer / band.



In two weeks, we will have the visit of the Governess. All committee presidents are requested to come to a pre-meeting with Dr. Elisabeth van Alsenoy at 18h.

On the 16th March, we will have the yearly zone vergadering, ca. 80 people, in the ballroom.

Fellowship-weekend 1.-3. May in Cologne. An invitation mail has been sent out on Saturday. Fellowship has reserved 20 rooms. Please sign up as soon as possible via Harmony, and register directly with Hotel Maritim. Do this as soon as possible, the long May-weekend may be attractive to other groups and make last-minute bookings difficult. Free cancellation until one month before the event.



Kris van Damme, a chemical engineer, is working in his day job in the chemical industry. 2016 he made a bike tour with friends, from brewery to brewery. Finding this interesting (and technically not so different from parts of his day job), he bought some equipment for home brewery and started in his garage. Then he contracted with a professional brewery that offers facilities to smaller businesses. He could develop his own beers, “Vita” and “Nova”,  and found his own brand “Viridis Vallis” (latin for Groenendaal), and produce them for a domestic market.

His third beer “Felix”, linked to the region Druivenstreek, is a grape infused craft beer, which is brewed with local grapes and a special yeast. It was launched in November in Hoeilaart. Kris is convinced that even in times of global beer brands there will still be a market for local draft beers, and he is developing ideas to build up an own brewery.

The question remained open whether this beer project was somehow an application of techniques learnt as a chemical engineer (evolution) or an expression of a midlife crisis (disruption - instead of buying a motorcycle).

The presentation was accompanied by a free tasting of all three beers.












16.2. Marketing & Communication meeting (Elsie)


17.2. SV (12) with District Governor (please sign up here)all Board members and Committee Presidents: meet exceptionally at 6pm!


18.2. AVA Project Meeting at GITO Tervuren (Karsten)


2.3. SV (13) (you can already sign up on Harmony)


9.3. Board Meeting


16.3. SV (14) - Zone vergadering (please sign up here)

with our partner clubs from the area (link).


1.-3.5. Fellowship weekend in Cologne. Please sign up as soon as possible in Harmony (link here), and book and pay directly with Hotel Maritim (link here: , reservation code KOL66186).



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